I am still dumbfounded at the general reaction to issues like rape especially in some parts of the continent today. I thought that there was beginning to be a genuine progression with the way it is viewed/ I believed that the blame culture was changing but not until I had a conversation a few days ago that forced me to really reflect on if we are truly ready to change, and if we are all on the same page of the book. One thing I have understood though is that rape is a culture and that culture is more prevalent than we will like to believe. There is a group of people, perhaps a handful that still see the proprietor as the victim and have argued on their behalf. My conversation with a guy I spoke to a few days ago, took that view, he told me that women had to be careful with the way that they dressed and 'avoid getting drunk if they did not want to be raped' needless to say that I ended that conversation immediately and I'm not quite sure how to or even if I want t...